Tips on surviving undergrad in 2022

College tips on how to survive undergrad without crashing out.

Undergrad can either be a short fun time or it can be considered one of the worst times of your life.

Surviving your first year at an university doesn’t have to be hard though. All it takes is time and stability.

Follow along on this guide with tips on surviving your first year at an university with Chan.

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Step 1: Be organized

Being organized with classes, your dorm and life is a major key to surviving undergrad. You need to use planners, folders, or something to organize your items and life.

Step 2: Get a planner

Using a planner will be a major key. Look at your syllabus and write out every major event or test coming up for that class. Use different markers or pens to categorize each class.

Planners are also great for planning your social and school life out. Plus it helps you to stay organized. Check out this monthly planner from Amazon.

This is an academic planner for the 2022-2023 school year that features a ruler, bookmark and paper tabs.

Step 3: Find a solid friend group

A solid friend group in undergrad is a major key to success because you need like-minded individuals around you. Friends who are motivating one another to study, and push their limits while in college can be very helpful. It’s good to have some people on your side who gets it.

Step 4: Get cool with professors

Developing a relationship with your professors is also major because you need someone to vouch for you in the end. When it comes to finding jobs after college, can be quite difficult. That’s why it’s great to get cool with your professors and develop a sincere relationship where you are understanding and willing to listen to your professors for advice.

Professors have resources and connections that can help you with your future.

Step 5: Major in something you like

Journalist Carrie’s a news reporter book.
I majored in journalism because it suited my life of wanting to be a story teller!

Finding a major can be challenging and it’s normally required that you have one decided before you enter your sophomore year.

Picking a major you like can be hard because you may not know what you dislike. The best way to decide on a major you like is to take classes in multiple majors. Not too many random classes that won’t end up counting but take classes in those majors to see if that particular course is something you pursue deeper.

Step 6: Go to study sessions

Studying is going to be a major part of your college life. Go to group study sessions or sessions professors offer before big tests.

Normally the professor may allow questions about the tests and may provide answers for those questions as well.

Step 7: Take mental breaks

Mental breaks are important because you need time for yourself and to rest your mind.

In college, you are always on the move and never truly get a break unless you make time for it on your own terms.

You’re busy with organizations, school, and sometimes even work. Between all that you still need breaks, me time, and moments to just reflect and relax.

Step 8: Have a hobby

Reading books can be seen as a hobby to help stimulate your mind!

Finding a hobby in college is major as well because it stimulates your mind. School doesn’t have to be your only thing.

You can join club sports teams or attend campus events like craft night (Michigan State was major on craft nights).

Finding a hobby can also help ease off your mind off the struggles of school too. My hobbies were writing, shopping or going out to the activity night hosted by the university’s activity board.

Step 9: Participate in on-campus events

Going to campus events can be seen as lame for some but for others, it actually helps.

This is where you can meet new friends, find new hobbies and try new things.

Campus events are typically free and since you already pay thousands for tuition, it makes sense to get that free t-shirt from your school.

Some campus events I have attended ; game nights, football games, basketball games, open mic night, fashion shows and others!

Step 10: Develop a relationship with a counselor

Having a relationship with your counselor is quite important because they are going to be your parents away from home. My counselor helped me plan my classes, fixed issues with my professors, and was a complete help with my college experience.

Step 11: Make decisions that are beneficial for the long run

This means making decisions that will benefit you with graduating during your expected graduation year.

Take those summer classes, if you can afford them. The goal is to grow in college, make connections for the future and place yourself in events, and places for opportunities. Plus graduating when it’s time!

Step 12: Develop budgeting

Have fun but remember that learning money-saving techniques can save you from creating excessive debt.

Part-time jobs also can be a great source of income and help you learn how to balance school and a work life.

I did not have a part time job during my years in college, but I did work for the school’s newspaper to develop work for my portfolio.

I was paid at my school newspaper job. I learned a tip some time ago that said never work a internship free, it’s free labor snd in college. We don’t have time for free labor unless it’s one of those bomb internships you can’t pass up. Even then don’t work for free.

Step 13: Staying true to yourself

It’s important to stay true to yourself in college because it’s going to be a lot of moments where your character and morals are questioned.

In college , you may find yourself in sticky situations, “should I do this or should I do that”. Always go with the solution that you know is morally right.

Don’t forget where you come from, what you stand for and that at the end of the day every decision you make can not only affect you but your family back at home as well.

Being mindful about the choices you make and staying true to you can save you a lot of trouble in college.

Step 14: Try new things in college

Trying new things in college is major because you get a chance to experience opportunities that you either will love or find out you hate.

Be open to meeting new people, learning about their life, culture and try things they present to you if it’s something that’s more of a benefit and not a problem.

Go to events that may not interest you, it could become a weekly habit you grow to love.

Try new foods, maybe back home doesn’t have a tofu restaurant but your college town does. Try it!

The biggest thing is remembering that college doesn’t last forever and once it ends you are literally thrown into an awkward stage of adulthood.

Enjoy college as much as you can.

If you interested in some more tips, check out my fall activity guide!