Starting a blog in 2022 is not that complicated as it seems. All you need is time, a niche and ideas. Well you need money, audience, writing skills and lots of time but here is a short curated list on how to create a blog.
If you made it to my blog to see this… you’re quite lucky.
Step 1 -Research
Before you begin any big passion project or new task, always research. See what other bloggers are doing, see if it’s a NEED for your blog.
“How do I do that? Blog Whizz Chan…?”
Well you need to be active on the internet, social media, see what other bloggers in your city or state are doing. Is it a hundred fashion bloggers? Is it thousands of bloggers creating baking recipes?
You need to be aware of what’s already out there and how you can differentiate from it.
It’s also best to research to find out all the best information you can with blogging. What platforms work the best, is blogging dead? Is it alive?
Research first to save yourself time.
Step 2- Find a niche
What is a niche? Well it’s a specific thing that one specializes in.
It’s where your expertise comes in. Are you a fashion guru? A automotive guy? Or a tech nerd who knows everything about Apple?
Having a niche narrows down your content and makes your blog more easy to follow.
Plus it’s easier to stick to one thing versus having a thousand and one niches.
Now I do have a couple niche’s that’s why I deem myself as a lifestyle blog ultimately. I like fashion, music, life, and food. I tie it all together create Chandra Alilijah.
To find a niche the best thing to do is to find what’s your strong suit. What can you write passionate about, that doesn’t bore you.
Step 3 – Look at examples

Don’t copy but look at other bloggers in your niche. What are they posting? What do you like about their blog? What do you hate about their blog?
This is where your creativity and goals come into play. You ultimately most likely want to be better than the next blogger so make sure you search around for competitors.
Also make sure to check out local bloggers in your city or state. What are they doing that completely makes you say, “Nope I want to do my blog this way” or “You know what, I love that. How can I do it differently?”
Majority of Pinterest posts will lead you to a blog. That’s a great first place to start.
Step 4 – Develop a name, concept
You have now done your research, found a niche and looked at examples. It’s time to start executing. Think of a name that’s catchy or related to your niche.
I struggled trying to find a name for my blog but I definitely felt like using my first and last name worked best for me. My blog is like a collection of my life but in blog form. 
I suggest writing down word combinations that work or using word generators online.
Don’t let the name stop you though, keep going.
Step 5 – Domains and website hosts
After finding your name, it’s time to register it as a domain.
Websites to buy domains
- GoDaddy
- Bluehost
- Squarespace
Once you register your domain, you can either build websites with those sites or you can find a hosting website, which is basically where your blog lives.
- Hostgator is the site I use to host my blog. I pay under $20 a month for my blog to live on their site.
- Bluehost is also a hosting site, where you can buy a domain and host your blog then transfer it to websites like Wix or WordPress.
Your hosting site doesn’t have to be the same home as your blog’s actually web page. You can use other websites like Wix or WordPress to actually build your website on.
Step 6 – Creating content
When creating blog posts or content think about why you are doing what you are doing. Why is this important for someone else to know, what did you learn.
Starting content is not easy. It takes motivation, passion and well of course time.
If you have a idea, write it down immediately. Draft it out at that moment. Why? Well because you don’t want to lose it.
When starting blog content , make sure you answer the Five Ws and H. What, who, why, where and when. Then make sure to address the how as well. How is very important when it comes to blogging.
The what is the purpose, the who could be the person, place or thing you’re discussing. The where depends on what’s being talked about. Where can readers buy this product, where is this place located?
“When” can explain if this blog post contains a recipe and when it’s best to make that recipe. Birthdays? Holidays?
When is it the best time to go to this place or to do this activity you are providing information on?
Always let people know when they should use this option or when this would work best. So as well people don’t waste their time.
And of course your why. Why does this matter? Why are your writing this? Your why is the most important piece of this article.
Why does someone need to know how to make cake or how to visit New York? Always have a why.
Last but not least, having a how matters as well because how does this influence someone? How does this make someone more knowledgeable?
Using this formula will help you write a concise blog post that not only informs but gets readers to keep reading the whole thing. Plus the Five Ws should be in your lead.
Deciding if you’re going to use,, Wix or any other website is a decision that needs to be made as well.
Step 7 – Taking photos
Google photos are illegal to use, and screenshots have their own set of laws as well.
To avoid being sued for using someone’s image, take your own.
You can use your cellphone to start and then level up to a basic camera model.
I use my iPhone 13 Max Pro or my Panasonic Lumix G7, which is a mirrorless camera.
Some more equipment you may need to invest is a tripod, lighting equipment, backdrops, props and whatever you desire for your photography.
Taking your own photos can be hard at first but with practice and creativity it gets better.
Step 8 – Build an audience
Build a audience around your niche. Rather that’s beauty or travel, find a audience that supports it .
Check Facebook groups, Instagram and Twitter. There is a community out there for your niche, you just have to find them.
Pinterest is another great tool to grow an audience on. You can grow a Pinterest audience by pinning your blog posts into specific categories.
Ads can also help you steer your target audience into your content. You can pay as low as a $1 a day on apps like Instagram to advertise your blog posts.
Step 9 – Using social media platforms for your blog
This really depends on you, in terms of are you going to create all new social media accounts to separate your personal content from your blog or are you going to continue to post on your personal account.
This can get tricky because you may find that people may not support your blog content, or your other content may be overflowing and you never find your target audience. Creating a separate social media pages allows you to have two separate platforms for your different audiences. It allows you to find your crowd and build your content off what they enjoy seeing or like.
To make your job simple, make sure to link accounts. Link your Instagram and Facebook to use Business Suite. Make sure to add widgets on your blog as well that lead people to your social media.
Using social media is free advertisement until you get into trying to pay for ads. There are billions of users across all platforms combined so why not use those platforms to your advantage.
Step 10 – Monetization
Monetizing your blog can open a whole can of worms that may be super complicated. You have to make sure that you’re following copyright laws, ad placement, have a privacy policy and a list of other things.
Amazon Associates Program can be a great tool to get started with monetizing your blog. It really all requires a platform and of course your commitment.
To be apart of Amazon Influencer Program , an account with high engagement and followers is reviewed. This program allows influencers to have their own Amazon storefront and buyers can buy directly off the storefronts. The influencer then earns commission.
Google Ad Sense is another platform where ads are added to your site by Google and every-time someone clicks on it you earn some type of commission.
Blogging in a nutshell
Blogging can be fun but also quite immidating.creating a blog is not easy and requires a lot of trial and error.
With the right amount of passion and time you can do it. Make sure to check out my latest blog post which is a summer guide.