Self love journaling prompts

10 self love journaling prompts just in time for V-Day

10 self love journaling prompts.

Self love is something I attempt to practice and master before I start any relationship.

It took me many failed relationships or situationships to realize that I need to love myself more and understand the love I want and need before I try to be with anyone.

Self love can easily be looked at as just another trendy subject that society pushes because it’s trending right now. The other side of it is does anyone really have a true definition of what self love or how it looks? No.

Self love could be you buying yourself candy from the store once a week because you accomplished studying every night or you just do it because you’re treating yourself.

Self love doesn’t have a set definition because everybody loves themselves for different reasons. Which is completely okay.

Here is 10 self love journaling prompts:

  • Love is given to me by….
  • I deserve….
  • I like myself because ….
  • My favorite feature of myself is
  • I feel my best when I am …..
  • My biggest dream is……
  • I want a love that is….
  • I feel loved when …..
  • My ideal relationship with myself looks like….
  • INSERT SONG NAME is my anthem because…

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I am not an expert on affirmations but here are a few that I think can be helpful to say.

  • I am loveable.
  • I am capable of loving myself.
  • I accept love that enriches me.
  • I crave peace in my life.
  • I am not perfect but I am doing my best in my life.
  • My mistakes does not define me they are apart of my story.
  • I praise myself now for how far I have came.